Morning Routines | Olympian and Mentor, Rebecca Soni

Rebecca Soni is a former competitive swimmer and 3-time Olympic gold medalist from the years 2008 and 2012. Now, she calls herself a “life-athlete,” carrying the drive and mental skills from a daily athletic routine and using them to reach success in all areas of her life. She co-founded RISE Elite, a program connecting athletes with Olympian mentors that promote mindfulness, focus, and empowerment in both sport and life.
So, naturally, we were interested in learning how this active Redondo Beach resident sets up her days in order to become this productive. Read her answers below!
Are you more of a night owl or an early bird?
Definitely an early bird! I always feel so relaxed getting my morning started before the sun rises and the rest of the world wakes up.
How many times do you typically hit snooze?
Once, but mostly it’s just for some extra cuddle time with the kitty. She makes it so much harder to get out of bed!
What Brentwood Home essentials do you wake up with?
Obviously the mattress, I love my Mirador! I wanted something that was as natural as possible, so Brentwood Home pointed me to their natural latex collection.
I’ve also started using the Crystal Cove meditation pillow. I try to keep a consistent meditation practice, and I recommend the same to the athletes I mentor at RISE Elite. I can’t speak enough about how meditation has improved my mindfulness and daily focus.
What’s your morning beverage of choice?
First water. Followed by coffee. Then the day can start.
What’s your favorite breakfast or brunch spot in LA?
I love Gracias Madre in West Hollywood - they serve plant-based and 100% organic Mexican cuisine. Their brunch is so delicious!
What’s the one morning ritual you can’t function without?
It has to be my morning walk with the pup. He keeps me accountable and I love the quiet time and fresh air first thing in the morning!