Meet Product Developer, Terry Nguyen

We thought we'd give you a further glimpse into our Brentwood Home. Here's an interview with our Product Developer, Terry Nguyen.
What is your favorite thing about working at Brentwood Home?
My favorite thing about working at Brentwood Home is that it's a small company. I feel like everyone's opinion is valuable and appreciated so we're not just cogs in a big machine. Being a part of the product development team, I feel very connected to all the products and like going through the growing process. It feels like a baby is being born each time a product is launched!
Do you have a tip for getting a better night’s sleep?
Keep a good routine. I'm all about good sleep hygiene which helps get your body ready for sleep. For me, that means no electronics one hour before bed, dimming the lights, and having some chamomile tea. I also try to sleep at the same time every night, but the weekends still throw me off. A good tip for super troubled sleepers is reading in bed. That always seems to do the trick. A lightly scented candle is nice too, just make sure to blow it out before bed!
How do you spend your time outside of work?
Outside of work I like to hang out with my family and friends. My husband and I are really into checking out all the new restaurants in our neighborhood in downtown LA. I'm not a foodie per say (no food pictures on Instagram for me), but I can always appreciate good food, good vibes, and good company. Aside from eating, I like to go on road trips to national parks. Yosemite, The Grand Canyon, and Zion are a few of my favorites.